October 17, 2011

The Family Bible

I was hired as a grip for the short film "The Family Bible," but soon after the same camera crew from the chair movie arrived on set I was conscripted to perform my duty as 2nd A.C. once again.

Connie Wilkerson, the Final Cut Pro certification instructor for the U of U, wrote and grant and purchased a Red One camera package for the school. Since its initial arrival it's been sitting around waiting for batteries, lenses and LCD screens to arrive. Then, once those items finally came it was sent back to California to have the sensor upgraded to the new Mysterium-X model. Now it's finally available for use and Connie wrote a short film to be made by students and shot with the new camera.

The story follows a family wrought with tragedy as they clash over who has the rights to the family bible. We shot 2 days at the Post Chapel on the U of U campus and we'll be shooting another day there next week.

The location is quite excellent, the historical military chapel has been fully restored and the interior is beautiful. It has a functional bell tower and a stage that can be raised and lowered electronically depending on the type of service the chapel needs to perform. The purpose of the building is to preserve the history of the Fort Douglas area and to give students space for interfaith service and worship.

As per usual, here are some behind the scenes photos:

From May 29, 2011

From May 29, 2011

From May 29, 2011

From May 29, 2011

From May 29, 2011

For more information and a ton more photos, click here or click the post title for the Facebook fan page.

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