January 15, 2010

Smog Lake City, the triumph of DSLR's

My friend Colin just purchased a Canon 7D for his digital photography class. The great thing about this camera for me however is that it shoots full 1080p video! Colin and I have yet to shoot any video on it but we did set up the camera for optimum video acquisition thanks to Philip Bloom.

For those of you who aren't familiar with Philip Bloom he's the pioneer behind DSLR cinematography. Recently he had a contest on his website where readers could submit limericks about DSLR cameras for a chance to win a DSLR training DVD. Of the five winners I was not one but I did receive an honorable mention and therefore was given a discount. Furthermore I was cited on the Canon 7D page of Philip's website for praising the training video after I had gotten it. An added bonus is that I'm right at the top of the list! Check it out here:

Despite not having shot anything on Colin's 7D my friend Davey Davis took his Rebel T1i out to Salt Lake City's Main Street and shot some beautiful images in the nasty smog we've been having here recently. I love this video because it really shows what DSLR cameras can do even without proper video lighting and lengthy exposure setups. Also, make sure you stay tuned for some great DSLR cinematography in Davey's upcoming film "The Tale of Don Giovanni: That Indomitable Hipster" produced by yours truly.

Smog Lake City: Main Street from Dada Factory on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Heh, cool, you're Phillip Bloom's strongest supporter! Thanks for cluing me in to that guy. Here's what you and Colin should do with his new camera, I'm so excited about it:

    oh, and though I'm way flattered, that video was shot by Al on my T1i. I wish I had his eye :).


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